Thanks very much for sharing your experience with us. It is tragic that you and so many others were treated so badly by an organization you served with a willing heart.
I was a pioneer and an MS when I was much younger. Although I lived in NYC, the idea of going to Bethel NEVER appealed to me, maybe because I knew too many Bethelites of various ages and just knew intuitively I would not fit in or enjoy the regimented lifestyle.
I have had a couple of experiences during my employment history of needing to find a new job because of cutbacks.
The first time it happened to me I was in my teens, working for a Brother who I still feel was like an Uncle to me. He sold his business and the property it was in when he came down with "1975 Fever" and decided he was going to pioneer his way thru Armageddon. Anyway, he told me my job with him was ending, but he used his family connections to make sure I had another job to go to. He was, as I suggested, a good guy. His pioneering career lasted until he ran out of money, and he was forced by circumstances (he had a large family to support) to take a job at a large commercial company where he was just another employee. I don't think he loved that job, but he loved his family and did what he had to do to support them.
Years later I was working for a company that got into financial trouble and was sold to a new owner. The employees were treated like they were furniture - it was "assumed" that they would transition right across and work for the new guy like nothing happened. Problem was, I didn't like the new guy, and the Friday before I was supposed to start working with him I acted like, "gee... you never told me I had a job here (he hadn't), so I assumed you didn't need me. I got a new job." He was speechless, the chimp.
At another company they made a MAJOR change in our employee medical insurance program and because they thought we were stupid, they called the new plan the ADVANTAGE program. ALL of the employees made a mockery of that, just so management would understand what they thought, but there are times you just have to roll with the punches life throws at you, so in that case we did. We couldn't change the program.
Years later I worked for a company that decided that the entire company division I worked for had to be eliminated so the Board of Directors could continue to give our chowderhead CEO his annual performance bonus. Three thousand guys and gals lost their jobs, but those who took advantage of the company's "savings/investment plan" got their savings and about a $50k severance pkg. Did Bethel ever offer anyone a "savings/investment plan"? Of course not. Do they offer a severance pkg? Don't be silly.
A person working in the real world has an opportunity to seek the wisdom of financial planning experts rather than the whiz-dumb of "Jehovah's Brightly Shining Ones" who can't even do arithmetic. Assuming one has some skills and applies themselves to advancing their career, over a working career it is possible to save $2 million or more for a retirement nest egg. Look at how nicely Bill Clinton has done!
Just DON'T listen to Jehovah or his self-appointed organization.